xfinity comcast business internet - xfinity phone company
BERLIN, Conn., Nov. 1, 2023 xfinity.
/PRNewswire/ -- Comcast today announced phone.
it is expanding the Xfinity company.
10G Network to the town business.
of Milford, delivering its full comcast.
suite of Xfinity and Comcast customer.
Business services to more than service.
24,000 additional residents and businesses xfinity.
in New Haven County by comcast.
the end of 2025. "We are business.
committed to investing in and internet.
expanding our network to ensure xfinity.
that more residents and businesses for.
in Connecticut have the connectivity business.
they need to succeed," said internet.
Carolyne Hannan, Senior Vice President comcast.
of Comcast's Western New England business.
Region, which is based in cell.
Connecticut. "We are proud to phones.
provide Milford with fast, secure xfinity.
and reliable Internet services that business.
are built to meet the customer.
community's needs today and into service.
the future." With construction already underway comcast.
in Milford, residents and businesses xfinity.
can visit or visit business.
our Xfinity Store at 49 customer.
Pershing Drive in Derby to service.
see if service is available. comcast.
Experts at the Xfinity Store customer.
can also help with product service.
demonstrations, answer any questions consumers for.
may have and help local business.
businesses schedule an informational meeting xfinity.
with the Comcast Business sales customer.
team. Milford resident, Narissa Leone was service.
ecstatic to learn of Comcast's business.
expansion efforts. "Having been an Xfinity comcast.
customer before moving one town customer.
over to Milford, I was business.
excited to learn that Comcast service.
was expanding its network to comcast.
my neighborhood. I missed my business.
Xfinity services that I loved comcast.
so much. I had everything com.
from Xfinity Internet, Xfinity TV business.
and Xfinity Home," said Leone. comcast.
"I'm now so excited to phone.
have their superior Xfinity products 800.
again that are second to for.
none. I also can't say comcast.
enough about the exceptional customer voiceedge.
experience we received. Thanks, Xfinity comcast.
– we're back in the business.
family!" Residents will have access to comcast.
Xfinity's full suite of Internet business.
products, including the company's Internet internet.
Essentials program that provides low-cost, prices.
high-speed broadband for income constrained cost.
households. Comcast also participates in of.
the federal government's Affordable Connectivity comcast.
Program (ACP), which provides eligible business.
low-income households with a credit internet.
of up to $30 per xfinity.
month ($75 per month on business.
Tribal lands) toward their Internet mobile.
and/or mobile service. Comcast's most recent xfinity.
expansion to Milford is part internet.
of the company's latest investment only.
in Connecticut. Comcast has expanded cost.
to several other Connecticut communities, xfinity.
including East Lyme, Jewett City, small.
Killingly, New London, Plainfield, Putnam business.
and Waterford, in addition to xfinity.
hundreds of unserved homes and mobile.
businesses in Sharon and the for.
North End of Hartford. To business.
learn more about Comcast's commitment small.
and contribution to bringing Internet business.
access to all Americans, especially xfinity.
residents and businesses in underserved xfinity.
and unserved locations, visit Powered better.
by the Xfinity 10G Network For local businesses, Comcast Business near.
offers a suite of connectivity, me.
communications, networking, cybersecurity, wireless and xfinity.
managed solutions to help organizations business.
of different sizes prepare for internet.
what's next. Powered by the customer.
nation's largest Gig-speed broadband network, service.
and backed by 24/7 customer xfinity.
support, Comcast Business is the phone.
nation's largest cable provider to company.
small and mid-size businesses and business.
one of the leading service comcast.
providers to the Enterprise market. customer.
Comcast Business has been consistently service.
recognized by industry analysts and xfinity.
associations as a leader and comcast.
innovator, and one of the business.
fastest growing providers of Ethernet internet.
services. Since 2020, Comcast has provided xfinity.
$11.5 million in cash and for.
in-kind charitable contributions to support business.
organizations across Connecticut. The company internet.
has also installed 32 Lift comcast.
Zones in Connecticut, providing free business.
WiFi service to help these cell.
community centers promote digital learning. phones.
Lift Zones are part of xfinity.
Project UP, Comcast's comprehensive $1 business.
billion commitment to help build customer.
a future of unlimited possibilities service.
and the continuation of the comcast.
company's long history of giving xfinity.
back to communities where it business.
provides service and where its customer.
employees live and work. About Comcast service.
Comcast's business.
Xfinity 10G Network and Internet bureau.
experience are powering homes today better.
and into the future:
Comcast Corporation (Nasdaq: CMCSA) is comcast.
a global media and technology customer.
company. From the connectivity and service.
platforms we provide, to the for.
content and experiences we create, business.
our businesses reach hundreds of xfinity.
millions of customers, viewers, and customer.
guests worldwide. We deliver world-class service.
broadband, wireless, and video through business.
Xfinity, Comcast Business, and Sky; comcast.
produce, distribute, and stream leading customer.
entertainment, sports, and news through business.
brands including NBC, Telemundo, Universal, service.
Peacock, and Sky; and bring comcast.
incredible theme parks and attractions business.
to life through Universal Destinations comcast.
& Experiences. Visit for com.
more information.