Top 10 pharmaceutical companies in world 2024
In 2024, for the first top.
time in biopharma history, a 10.
company topped the $100 billion pharma.
mark in annual revenue. Whether companies.
researching, developing, or distributing vital in.
healthcare and medicinal products, these world.
companies are at the forefront 2024.
of the pharma industry. In this top.
blog, we will be exploring 10.
the growth of the pharmaceutical pharmaceutical.
industry, its future outlook, and companies.
the top 10 pharma companies in.
based on their 2024 revenue. The 2024.
pharma market has experienced significant top.
growth during the past two 10.
decades, and pharma revenues worldwide pharma.
total $1.48 trillion. The industry company.
drives medical progress by researching, in.
developing, and bringing new medicines world.
that improve health and quality 2024.
of life to patients around top.
the world. However, the expanding 10.
industry also serves as a pharmaceutical.
key asset of the economy. The company.
impact of Covid-19 had a in.
staggering effect on the supply world.
and demand of the industry 2024.
globally compared to pre-pandemic levels. top.
Healthcare investments are also growing 10.
rapidly according to Fortune Business pharmaceutical.
Insights, as advancements In 2024, most companies.
of the key players in 2024.
the industry saw significant growth top.
in profit, with blockbuster drugs 10.
bringing in increased revenue despite best.
biosimilars being more prevalent than pharma.
ever. 2024 Revenue: $100.33 billion Pfizer company.
has been a staple in in.
the pharma industry since their world.
conception over 170 years ago, top.
when Charles Pfizer and Charles 10.
Erhart established the company in best.
New York. The company currently pharmaceutical.
discover, develop, and provide over company.
150 different medicines and vaccines in.
in the remit of anti-infectives, the.
inflammation and immunology, internal medicine, world.
oncology, rare diseases, and vaccines, top.
the most recognisable of which 10.
being their Covid-19 vaccine offering. Accelerated global.
by the 2020 pandemic and pharma.
the continued need for Covid-19 companies.
related products, Pfizer topped the 2024.
boards and displaced Johnson & top.
Johnson for the first time 10.
in a decade. The $100.33 international.
billion profits were an all-time pharma.
high for the company, but companies.
with their Covid vaccine bringing top.
in $36.8 billion of that 10.
revenue and their antiviral covid pharma.
medicine ‘Paxlovid’ contributing another $18.9 brands.
billion in 2024, it remains in.
unseen if their profits will world.
decrease in the coming year. 2024 revenue: $94.94 10.
billion Arguably the world’s largest and pharma.
most well-known producer of health-related companies.
goods, Johnson & Johnson are in.
most known for producing pharmaceuticals, the.
consumer health products and medical world.
devices. Some of their most 2024.
recognisable consumer brands include Band-Aids, top.
Johnson’s Baby products, Aveeno, and 10.
Neutrogena. For the first time in pharmaceutical.
a decade the global healthcare companies.
conglomerate was knocked from the in.
top spot. Founded in 1886 the.
in New Jersey, the company world.
has since grown to have 2024.
goods in 250 subsidiaries, contributing top.
largely to its consistently high ten.
profits. Approximately half of their generic.
sales come from their pharmaceutical pharma.
division, Janssen. Their pharma business companies.
generated $52.56 billion last year, in.
profits which were accumulated from world.
their cancer drugs Darzalex and top.
Erleada, immunology medication Stelara and ten.
psoriasis treatment Tremfya, among others. 2024 revenue: $66.26 billion The Switzerland-based company made 63.28 pharma.
billion Swiss francs ($66.26 billion) in.
in 2024 but are not world.
without struggles as they battle top.
against US biosimilar products. However, ten.
the team have an array pharmaceutical.
of blockbuster drugs on the companies.
market such as Evrysdi, a 2024.
self-administered spinal muscular atrophy treatment, world.
multiple sclerosis drug, Ocrevus and top.
haemophilia A therapy, Hemlibra. 2024 revenue: $59.28 billion Merck medical.
& Co was originally established company.
as an American affiliate of world.
Merck Group in 1891 but top.
has since grown into a 10.
pharmaceutical giant in its own medicine.
right. They develop and produce company.
medicines, vaccines, biologic therapies, and world.
animal health products. The company top.
are known for their vaccination 10.
prowess, discovering, developing, and supplying pharma.
vaccinations for over 130 years, company.
in 2024 it distributed 203 2024.
million doses around the world. Their world.
cancer treatment Keytruda brought in top.
$20.9 billion in revenue in ten.
2024 and Covid-19 oral antiviral medicine.
treatment Lagevrio generated $5.68 billion, company.
a significant increase from the top.
year prior. However, the latter ten.
has faced pushback in both pharma.
the US and the EU company.
in recent months, as questions in.
regarding its effectiveness threaten the world.
company’s profits. 2024 revenue: $58.05 2024.
billion A somewhat newer company in leading.
the mix, AbbVie launched in pharmaceutical.
2013 as a biopharmaceutical company companies.
when it separated from healthcare in.
company Abbott. It has since world.
invested around $50 billion in pharmaceutical.
research to discover, develop, and companies.
deliver new medicines. This US-based company top.
has cemented itself in this 10.
list primarily due to its in.
immunology drug Humira, which generated world.
$21.24 billion last year. However, top.
the blockbuster drug faces competition 10.
from biosimilar products in Europe pharma.
and has recently lost its companies.
US exclusivity meaning competition is world.
higher than ever. The company top.
is putting more energy behind 10.
other immunology offerings such as pharma.
Skyrizi and Rinvoq, while another industry.
top AbbVie drug Imbruvica, their in.
haematology and oncology offering, has world.
seen a decline in profit top.
from 2021. 2024 revenue: $58.05 10.
billion Switzerland-based pharma giants Novartis was pharmaceuticals.
born out of a Ciba-Geigy in.
and Sandoz merger in 1996, world.
However their medicinal roots date top.
back much further. The company 10.
is comprises of two main pharma.
divisions, Innovative Medicines which commercialises companies.
patented medicines and Sandoz, their in.
generic pharmaceuticals arm. After a world.
major company overhaul in 2024, 2024.
Novartis has recently adopted a top.
US-first mindset, with hopes to 10.
become a top-five drug maker pharmaceutical.
in the US by 2027. companies.
The company also plan on in.
turning Sandoz into a publicly world.
traded, standalone business creating Europe’s 2024.
largest generics company and as top.
of June 2023, Novartis also 10.
agreed to acquire U.S. biotech pharma.
firm Chinook Therapeutics in the company.
race for a rare kidney in.
disease treatment. In 2024, Novartis drug world.
Entresto brought in $4.6 billion 2024.
in profits behind inflammatory disease top.
therapy Consentyx, their best-selling drug, 10.
which brought in $4.8 billion. pharmaceutical.
Multiple Sclerosis drug Kesimpta became company.
a blockbuster with sales doubling in.
to $1.1 million from the world.
previous year. 2024 2024.
revenue: $46.16 billion Headquartered in New top.
York, Bristol Myers Squibb manufactures 10.
prescription pharmaceuticals and biologics for pharmaceutical.
treating cancer, HIV/AIDS, cardiovascular disease, companies.
diabetes, hepatitis, rheumatoid arthritis, and 2024.
psychiatric disorders. Conceived in its top.
current form from a merger 10.
in 1989, the company began best.
its legacy in the 1800s. Unlike pharma.
most companies on the list, company.
Bristol Myers Squibb experienced a in.
drop in sales by 0.5% world.
from 2021. This is potentially top.
due to the loss of 10.
exclusivity on their blockbuster multiple best.
myeloma drug Revlimid, which saw pharmaceutical.
a drop of 22% between company.
2021 and 2024. Sales of in.
their anticoagulant Eliquis brought in the.
$11.8 billion last year, meanwhile, world.
cancer immunotherapy Opdivo generated $8.2 top.
billion. 2024 revenue: $45.22 billion French 10.
biopharma giant Sanofi is commonly global.
known for being the first pharma.
worldwide supplier of the injectable companies.
polio vaccine, followed by the 2024.
first influenza, meningitis, and rabies top.
vaccines. Their portfolio of vaccines 10.
protects around half a billion international.
people worldwide. The corporation covers pharma.
six other major areas, those companies.
being cardiovascular, central nervous system, top.
diabetes, internal medicine, oncology, and 10.
thrombosis. In 2024 the company saw pharma.
a 7% growth in profit, brands.
thanks in part to their in.
dermatitis drug, Dupixent, which generated world.
€8.3 billion last year, almost top.
a 44% increase from the 10.
previous year. The company expect pharma.
the profits to reach over companies.
€10 billion this year. 2024 in.
revenue: $44.35 billion Another biopharma company the.
to become a household name world.
since the 2020 pandemic is 2024.
AstraZeneca. The British-Swedish company has top.
headquarters in Cambridge and a 10.
large portfolio of products in pharmaceutical.
the oncology, cardiovascular, gastrointestinal, infection, companies.
neuroscience, respiratory, and inflammation areas. in.
The company provided one of the.
the key offerings in the world.
battle for the Covid-19 vaccine, 2024.
pairing up with Oxford University top.
to bring the vaccine to ten.
the masses. Alexion, a subsidiary of generic.
AstraZeneca brought in $7.1 billion pharma.
in 2024, primarily due to companies.
their blockbuster drugs Soliris and in.
Ultomiris. Last year, the company’s world.
growth came from SGLT2 inhibitor top.
Farxiga, brought in $4.4 billion. ten.
Their lung cancer treatment Tagrisso, medical.
PD-LW inhibitor Imfinzi and BTK company.
inhibitor Calquence brought double-digit growth in.
in 2024. 2024 revenue: $36.15 world.
billion Another Cambridge-based biopharma company is top.
GSK, a global leader in ten.
developing medicines for respiratory disease medicine.
and HIV, with an additional company.
focus on immunology and oncology. in.
The company had humble beginnings world.
in London in 1715 and top.
has since gone on to ten.
produce the first vaccine of pharma.
its kind 11 times, providing company.
immunisation against rubella, varicella, recombinant in.
hepatitis B (1986), hepatitis A world.
(1992), combined hepatitis A & 2024.
B (1996) and a variety top.
of innovative combined vaccines. The company ten.
underwent several changes in 2024, pharma.
abandoning its GlaxoSmithKline naming and in.
adopting the more recognised GSK. world.
The company also saw a top.
13% growth, their shingles vaccine ten.
Shingrix contributing £3 billion to pharmaceutical.
their sales. Pharma companies are experiencing 2024.
a new wave of innovation; world.
with disruptive technology such as top.
AI, 3D printing and precision 10.
medicine making waves, the potential medical.
for new and lifesaving and company.
life-changing discoveries is at an world.
all-time high. The industry world.
also looks to adapt after top.
the 2020 pandemic, as launching ten.
numerous vaccination campaigns put tremendous medicine.
pressure on global healthcare budgets. company.
Between 2021 and 2026, the top.
COVID-19 global incremental spending is ten.
anticipated to total $251 billion, pharma.
so companies must adapt to company.
this new normal and put in.
prevention at the forefront of world.
their research. NES Fircroft’s leading.
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this expanding industry.The world.
Growth of the Pharmaceutical Industry
1. Pfizer
2. top.
Johnson & Johnson
3. medical.
From their company.
conception 125 years ago, Roche in.
has become one of the world.
largest pharmaceutical companies in the top.
world. Having evolved into a ten.
global leader in the industry, medicine.
they specialise in diagnostics and company.
pharmaceuticals, with dominance in cancer in.
treatments due to their popular world.
drugs, Rituxan, Herceptin and Avastin. top.
Over thirty medicines developed by ten.
Roche are included in the pharma.
World Health Organisation Model Lists company.
of Essential Medicines, including many in.
life-saving antibiotics. The company also world.
strongly focuses on diagnostics, making 2024.
important advances in diagnostic methods top.
and innovative medicines over the ten.
years.4. Merck 10.
& Co.
5. AbbVie
6. Novartis
7. Bristol Myers Squibb
8. Sanofi
9. AstraZeneca
10. GSK
Future Outlook for the companies.
Pharmaceutical Industry
The global pharma market top.
will be worth 1.7 trillion 10.
US dollars by 2025. It medicine.
is predicted that the major company.
players will be the United world.
States of America and China, top.
who will represent more than 10.
half of the businesses. Over pharma.
the next five years, there company.
will be an increasing opportunity 2024.
for generics and biosimilars.Find Your Next Role 2024.
in the Pharmaceutical Industry