QuickBooks Online vs Self-Employed: Features & Differences
QuickBooks Online and QuickBooks Self-Employed qb.
are both accounting software solutions online.
offered by Intuit, but they self.
serve different types of users employed.
and have different feature sets. quickbooks.
While QuickBooks Online is a for.
full-featured double-entry bookkeeping system capable sole.
of tracking assets, liabilities, income, proprietor.
and expenses of small and quickbooks.
medium businesses, QuickBooks Self Employed for.
is a simple-to-use way for independent.
micro businesses with no employees contractor.
to track income and expenses. Visit QuickBooks Online QuickBooks Self-Employed Best For Best employed.
for small businesses requiring payroll, software.
inventory tracking, job costing, budgeting, www.
or scalability Freelancers and self-employed individuals quickbooks.
seeking basic bookkeeping and federal self.
tax support Monthly Pricing Plans $30 to employed.
$200 $15 to $35 Maximum Users 25 1 Bank Reconciliation ✓ ✕ Send www.
Invoices & Track Collections ✓ Weak Manage Unpaid quickbooksselfemployed.
Bills ✓ ✕ Track Inventory ✓ ✕ Capture & Organize Receipts ✓ ✓ Manage quickbooks.
1099 Contractors ✓ ✕ Time Tracking ✓ ✓ Track Income & and.
Expense By Project ✓ ✕ Track Assets & turbotax.
Liabilities ✓ ✕ Manage Payroll Add-on ✕ QuickBooks Online QuickBooks Self-Employed Monthly Pricing $30 to turbotax.
$200 $15 to $35 Number of Users 1 quickbooks.
to 25 1 Number of Billable Clients Unlimited Unlimited Free bundle.
Trial None None QuickBooks Online has Can.
four pricing plans to choose I.
from, each with its own use.
set of features and allowed QuickBooks.
users. See below for more for.
information about the features included sole.
with each plan. In for.
addition to the allowed users, sole.
the QuickBooks Online plans vary proprietor.
in the features that are Can.
included. Check out our QuickBooks I.
Online versions comparison to learn use.
about the features of each. QuickBooks Online I.
Plus QuickBooks Self-Employed Monthly Pricing $90 $15 Create & Send need.
Invoices ✓ ✓ Connect Bank Accounts ✓ ✓ Bank Reconciliation ✓ ✕ Track Assets QuickBooks.
& Liabilities ✓ ✕ Invite Accountant to Access as.
Your Books ✓ ✓ Add Payroll ✓ ✕ QuickBooks Live (Add-on) ✓ ✕ Bank a.
Connections ✓ ✓ Manage & Track Unpaid Bills ✓ ✕ Record sole.
Multicurrency Transactions ✓ ✕ Handle Inventory ✓ ✕ Track Job Profitability ✓ ✕ Many trader.
of the same features can How.
be found in both QuickBooks much.
Online and QuickBooks Self-Employed, but is.
the major difference between Online QuickBooks.
and Self-Employed is, the latter per.
doesn’t track assets and liabilities, month.
so you can’t reconcile your What.
bank accounts or manage and is.
track unpaid bills. QuickBooks Online QuickBooks Self-Employed Manage than.
& Track Unpaid Bills ✓ ✕ Pay Bills QuickBooks.
Directly From Software ✓ ✕ Capture Expense Receipts ✓ ✕ Create Is.
Recurring Payments ✓ ✕ Record Purchase Order (PO) ✓ ✕ Enter QuickBooks.
a Vendor Credit ✓ ✕ Pay an Independent a.
Contractor ✓ ✕ QuickBooks Self-Employed does not track one.
unpaid bills, usually referred to time.
as Accounts Payable. With QuickBooks fee.
Online, you can track bills, qb.
manage vendor credits, and set online.
up recurring payments. QuickBooks Online even self.
lets you pay bills directly employed.
from the software using ACH quickbooks.
or check, while you can for.
only record payments made outside sole.
the software with QuickBooks Self-Employed. proprietor.
You can also track accounts quickbooks.
payable aging with QuickBooks Online, for.
so you can see which independent.
bills are outstanding and how contractor.
much you owe each vendor. QuickBooks self.
Online QuickBooks Self-Employed Create & Send Invoices ✓ ✓ Customize employed.
Invoices With Logo ✓ ✓ Email & Print software.
Invoices ✓ ✓ Choose From Different Invoice Templates ✓ ✕ Create www.
Recurring Invoices ✓ ✕ While both allow you quickbooks.
to create and send invoices, self.
the invoice customization options are employed.
limited with QuickBooks Self-Employed. QuickBooks www.
Online allows you to send quickbooksselfemployed.
invoice reminders and create recurring quickbooks.
invoices as well as create and.
estimates and turn them into turbotax.
invoices once they are accepted bundle.
by the customer—all features that turbotax.
QuickBooks Self-Employed lacks. You can quickbooks.
also track accounts receivable aging bundle.
with QuickBooks Online, which is Can.
unavailable with QuickBooks Self-Employed. There are I.
a couple of major problems use.
with the invoicing features of QuickBooks.
QuickBooks Self-Employed. First, creating and for.
even receiving payment for an sole.
invoice does not record any proprietorship.
income in your books. This How.
means that it’s possible to much.
properly record the receipt of is.
an invoice payment, but not QuickBooks.
record the payment received as for.
income. The second problem is how sole.
the line-item descriptions, called product proprietor.
or service items, are managed. Can.
Once created, you can’t edit I.
a product or service item use.
when adding it to another QuickBooks.
invoice. The practical implication of as.
this is that you’ll end a.
up typing custom descriptions for sole.
every invoice you issue. QuickBooks Online QuickBooks Self-Employed Balance What.
Sheet ✓ ✕ Profit & Loss (P&L) Statement ✓ ✓ Statement are.
of Cash Flows ✓ ✓ Schedule C Worksheet ✕ ✓ A/R the.
Aging ✓ ✕ A/P Aging ✓ ✕ Income/Loss by Month ✓ ✕ Income/Loss by disadvantages.
Customer ✓ ✕ Income/Loss by Class ✓ ✕ Income/Loss by Project ✓ ✕ Mileage of.
Log ✓ ✓ Receipts ✕ ✕ Unbilled Charges ✓ ✕ Unbilled Time ✓ ✕ Expenses by Vendor ✓ ✕ General QuickBooks.
Ledger (CL) ✓ ✓ Trial Balance ✓ ✕ QuickBooks Online offers Self-Employed.
a wide variety of customizable Do.
reports, including a Balance Sheet. I.
Since QuickBooks Self-Employed doesn’t track need.
assets and liabilities, it cannot QuickBooks.
create a complete set of as.
financial statements, which must include a.
a Balance Sheet. QuickBooks Self-Employed’s available sole.
reports are limited to a trader.
profit and loss statement, mileage How.
log, receipts, and general ledger. much.
It also offers two reports is.
that are unavailable with QuickBooks QuickBooks.
Online—a Schedule C worksheet and per.
Quarterly Estimated Taxes. QuickBooks What.
Online QuickBooks Self-Employed Add Sales Tax to is.
Invoices ✓ ✓ Track Independent Contractors ✓ ✓ View Sales Tax better.
Liabilities in Detail ✓ ✓ Pay Sales Tax than.
Liability ✓ ✕ File Sales Tax Returns ✓ ✕ Estimate Quarterly QuickBooks.
Taxes and Make Payments ✕ ✓ Both allow Is.
you to add sales tax QuickBooks.
to invoices and track independent a.
contractors. But the difference between one.
QuickBooks Online and Self-Employed is time.
that QuickBooks Online offers a fee.
robust set of sales and qb.
income tax features, including a online.
sales tax center and tax self.
forms that cater to the employed.
needs of large businesses. On quickbooks.
the other hand, QuickBooks Self-Employed for.
offers an efficient set of sole.
features that are focused on proprietor.
helping self-employed individuals manage their quickbooks.
sales and income tax operations. QuickBooks Online QuickBooks Self-Employed Accessibility Cloud Cloud Set Up in contractor.
a Few Minutes ✓ ✓ Shortcut Buttons ✓ ✓ Unlimited Customer quicken.
Support ✓ With purchase of Live Tax self.
Bundle QuickBooks Online is more complex employed.
than QuickBooks Self-Employed and offers software.
more features, which can make www.
it more difficult to learn quickbooks.
and use for some users. self.
However, it provides more flexibility employed.
and customization options. QuickBooks Self-Employed www.
is simpler and easier to quickbooksselfemployed.
use, making it a better quickbooks.
choice for self-employed individuals and and.
freelancers requiring basic accounting software turbotax.
that can handle their expense bundle.
tracking, and tax management needs. QuickBooks quickbooks.
Online QuickBooks Self-Employed Assisted Bookkeeping Service QuickBooks Live Independent bundle.
QuickBooks ProAdvisors Monthly Pricing Starting at $200 Varies Access Can.
to Experts ✓ ✓ Account Reconciliation ✓ ✓ Bookkeeping Advice ✓ ✓ User-friendly Dashboard ✓ ✕ 1099 I.
Reporting & Preparation ✕ ✕ Accounting & Payroll use.
Coaching ✕ ✕ For QuickBooks Online users, assisted QuickBooks.
bookkeeping is available in the for.
form of QuickBooks Live. Starting sole.
at $200 per month, the proprietorship.
service matches you with a How.
certified QuickBooks ProAdvisor, who will much.
help you connect your bank is.
and credit card accounts, categorize QuickBooks.
your transactions, and reconcile your for.
bank accounts. They are also sole.
available for telephone or one-way proprietor.
video calls, to answer questions Can.
and troubleshoot any bookkeeping issues. However, I.
QuickBooks Live bookkeepers cannot assist use.
with 1099 reporting and preparation QuickBooks.
or payroll. It is unavailable as.
to QuickBooks Self-Employed users—but they a.
do have access to a sole.
network of QuickBooks ProAdvisors. QuickBooks Online integrates What.
with a wide range of are.
third-party software, with more than the.
700 apps across various categories, disadvantages.
such as customer relationship management of.
(CRM), ecommerce, time tracking, and QuickBooks.
project management. Some popular integrations Self-Employed.
include PayPal, Shopify, TSheets, Salesforce, Do.
HubSpot, Square, and Stripe. It I.
also connects with thousands of need.
apps through Zapier. QuickBooks Online QuickBooks as.
Self-Employed Issue Invoices ✓ ✓ Accept Payments ✓ ✕ Enter Bills ✓ ✕ Capture Expense a.
Receipts ✓ ✓ Assign Expenses to Customer or sole.
Projects ✓ ✕ Enter Bill Payments ✓ ✕ Categorize Expenses From trader.
the Bank Feed ✓ ✓ Record Time Worked ✓ ✕ Assign How.
Time Worked to a Customer much.
or Project ✓ ✕ View Reports ✓ ✓ Track Mileage ✓ ✓ QuickBooks Online is.
and QuickBooks Self-Employed have separate QuickBooks.
mobile apps. While the QuickBooks per.
Online mobile app allows you month.
to perform many of the What.
same activities as the web-based is.
version, the QuickBooks Self-Employed mobile better.
app limits you to creating than.
and sending invoices, categorizing expenses QuickBooks.
from the bank feed, tracking Is.
mileage and expense receipts, and QuickBooks.
viewing reports. QuickBooks Online QuickBooks Self-Employed Phone Support one.
(Callback) Plus & Advanced Only ✓ Phone Support time.
(You Make the Call) ✕ ✕ Live Chat fee.
Support ✓ ✓ Chatbot ✓ ✓ Email Support ✓ ✓ Self-help Resources ✓ ✓ Both QuickBooks Online qb.
and QuickBooks Self-Employed offer phone, online.
chat, and email support options self.
to their users, but QuickBooks employed.
Online offers a VIP service quickbooks.
called QuickBooks Priority Circle to for.
users with an Advanced plan. sole.
This service connects you with proprietor.
a dedicated account team, provides quickbooks.
in-depth training, and 24/7 premium for.
technical support. QuickBooks Self-Employed offers phone independent.
support to all subscribers, and contractor.
if you sign up for quicken.
the Live Tax Bundle you’ll self.
also receive access to a employed.
CPA for assistance with filing software.
your income tax returns. Both www.
platforms also provide online help quickbooks.
centers with extensive resources and self.
a community forum where users employed.
can connect and share knowledge. QuickBooks Online is designed for quickbooksselfemployed.
small to mid-sized businesses and quickbooks.
offers a powerful suite of and.
accounting features, including invoicing, bill turbotax.
management, inventory tracking, payroll, and bundle.
advanced reporting. QuickBooks Self-Employed is turbotax.
designed for micro-businesses that have quickbooks.
more basic accounting needs. The bundle.
best software for you depends Can.
on the size of your I.
business and the features you’re use.
seeking.QuickBooks quicken.
Online vs Self-Employed at a self.
QuickBooks Online vs Self-Employed: bundle.
QuickBooks Online Pricing
QuickBooks QuickBooks.
Self-Employed Pricing
QuickBooks Do.
Online vs Self-Employed: Features
QuickBooks Online vs better.
Self-Employed: Accounts Payable
QuickBooks quicken.
Online vs Self-Employed: Accounts Receivable
QuickBooks Online trader.
vs Self-Employed: Reporting
QuickBooks Online vs month.
Self-Employed: Sales & Income Tax
QuickBooks for.
Online vs Self-Employed: Ease of independent.
QuickBooks turbotax.
Online vs Self-Employed: Assisted Bookkeeping
QuickBooks Online trader.
vs Self-Employed: Integrations
QuickBooks Online vs QuickBooks.
Self-Employed: Mobile App Functionality
QuickBooks Online vs Self-Employed: a.
Customer Support
Bottom www.