Is reseller hosting profitable?
First, we’ll What.
start with what reseller hosting is.
actually is. With reseller hosting meant.
services, you’re not running or by.
managing any of the hosting reseller.
server’s yourself. Instead, you’re renting hosting.
out these servers, branding them Is.
with your own company, and reseller.
then selling that server space hosting.
to customers. Since everything is white profitable.
label, it’s as if you’re Is.
running your own web hosting reseller.
services company. Your customers will hosting.
never know that it isn’t good.
you. You’ll be able to create What.
your own hosting plans, take is.
payments, offer additional features like the.
email and website backups, and profit.
more. Web hosting is a for.
very competitive market. It’s dominated reseller.
by larger hosts that generally hosting.
compete on price. However, running How.
your own hosting company can do.
be profitable if it’s done I.
the right way. At the core, start.
you’ll be renting customers a a.
certain amount of storage space reseller.
for a certain amount of hosting.
time. Your profit will come What.
in the difference between the is.
cost of renting servers and GoDaddy.
the price you’re charging your reseller.
customers. If you’ve been thinking about hosting.
starting your own hosting business, Which.
then there are a few hosting.
things you’ll need to take is.
into account. Namely, your motivations best.
for starting a hosting business, Do.
your technical skills, and business you.
and marketing know-how. Keep in mind make.
that starting a hosting business money.
is going to take a from.
lot of work, so your reseller.
motivations are going to need What.
to be clear from the is.
start. Since you’re essentially running an.
a service business, it’s going example.
to require a lot of of.
work on your end, so a.
you’ll need a clear goal reseller.
that you’re working towards to What.
sustain you during difficult times. Next, are.
are your existing technical skills. the.
If you’re starting a reseller benefits.
hosting business completely solo, then of.
you’re going to need some reseller.
basic technical skills. You don’t How.
need to be a programmer does.
yourself, but it helps to What.
have a deep understanding of is.
how servers work, and basic meant.
web design and development skills. The by.
reseller host you decide to reseller.
work with might actually handle hosting.
things like customer support, maintenance, Is.
and more. But, you’ll still reseller.
need to have some marketing hosting.
and business skills to handle profitable.
things like online marketing, payment Is.
processing, and more. As a reseller host, hosting.
you won’t be competing with good.
the top dogs of the What.
hosting space. These companies are is.
simply too large and they the.
can offer price points and profit.
other competitive advantages that you margin.
won’t be able to offer. for.
However, these are the companies reseller.
that you’ll probably be getting hosting.
your reseller hosting from. Instead, your How.
goal should be to create do.
a more niche hosting company. I.
Think the small to medium-sized start.
business space. Hosting companies in a.
this space can still have reseller.
hundreds of servers and thousands hosting.
of customers, but you might What.
actually be able to compete is.
with them. The one thing that’ll GoDaddy.
help improve your chances of reseller.
success is finding a niche hosting.
or a small target market. Which.
This will help you stand hosting.
out in a crowded field is.
and give yourself a fighting best.
chance of success to earn Do.
money. Your niche focus, or unique you.
offering, along with extensive marketing make.
will help build brand recognition money.
and position yourself as the from.
go-to host for a specific reseller.
niche. Being a What.
leader in a niche market is.
is going to be how an.
you’ll find customers as a example.
reseller. There are a variety of.
of benefits to choosing a a.
niche. Here are some of reseller.
the most common: Even though by.
success will be easier by reseller.
focusing on a specific niche, hosting.
there are still a few Is.
downsides that you’ll want to reseller.
be aware of as well. hosting.
For example, by only focusing profitable.
on a specific niche you’re Is.
limiting how much your reseller reseller.
hosting company can grow. However, hosting.
this can be remedied by good.
slowing expanding out to related What.
niches once you’re effectively dominating is.
the niche you’ve started in. As a business. profit.
reseller hosting has a lot margin.
of advantages. Here are some for.
of the biggest benefits that reseller.
reseller hosting offers you: Still, reseller hosting isn’t from.
perfect. Here are a few reseller.
drawbacks to starting a reseller What.
hosting business: The Is.
host you decide to partner reseller.
with will influence the reseller hosting.
hosting features you have access good.
to and can pass on What.
to your customers. Here are is.
some of the most common the.
features that the best reseller profit.
hosting providers will offer: Now that you have is.
a better understanding of how best.
reseller hosting works as a Do.
business. It’s time to dive you.
into how you can make make.
money with reseller hosting. Here’s a money.
basic process that you can from.
follow to get started with reseller.
your own reseller hosting business: By now you is.
should have a few ideas an.
in mind for the hosting example.
niche you’re going to focus of.
on. For example, maybe you’re a.
going to become the go-to reseller.
host in your local area? What.
Or, you’re going to focus are.
on a specific niche like the.
plumbers or lawyers? Or, maybe benefits.
you’re just going to offer of.
web hosting as an add-on reseller.
service for your digital agency? Whatever How.
your focus, make sure you does.
have some sort of direction What.
before you jump into the is.
rest of the steps below. Then, meant.
you’re going to want to by.
dive deeper into your niche reseller.
to get an idea of hosting.
the competitive landscape. Try to Is.
find at least five different reseller.
competitors who will either be hosting.
offering a similar service or profitable.
are targeting the same niche Is.
as you. As you look reseller.
through their website’s look for hosting.
the following information: Doing this is.
for a handful of competitors GoDaddy.
will give you a solid reseller.
understanding of your niche and hosting.
what you need to do Which.
to compete. Your research above will help is.
you determine what style of best.
hosting, and add-on features, you’ll Do.
need to offer your customers. you.
With reseller hosting you’ll generally make.
have a few different types money.
of hosting you’ll be able from.
to offer, as well as reseller.
bundled features offered by your What.
parent hosting company. For example, maybe is.
you’ll want to offer shared an.
hosting, VPS hosting, and dedicated example.
server plans? Or, maybe you of.
only want to offer WordPress a.
hosting to a specific niche? Depending reseller.
on the parent hosting company What.
you’re using, you might be are.
able to offer additional services the.
like domain name management, email benefits.
features, and more. In some of.
cases, you might be able reseller.
to stand out in your How.
niche by being a one-stop-shop does.
for all of your customer’s What.
needs. To actually start your reseller meant.
hosting business there are a by.
few things you’re going to reseller.
need in place. Here are hosting.
three things you’ll need to Is.
have in place before you reseller.
launch your reseller hosting business: In your research above you Is.
determined the types of services reseller.
and products you want to hosting.
offer your customers. Now, it’s good.
time to find a parent What.
hosting company that matches up is.
with these services. For example, are the.
you just going to offer profit.
shared hosting, or will you margin.
include VPS, cloud, and dedicated for.
hosting as well? Do you reseller.
want to offer different packages hosting.
of each hosting type? Do How.
you want a reseller that do.
provides support for hosting? Do I.
you want to be able start.
to offer domain name management a.
as well? Once you’ve figured out reseller.
your needs it’s time to hosting.
find a reseller that aligns What.
with these. Once is.
you’ve found the host you GoDaddy.
want to work with it’s reseller.
time to sign up for hosting.
reseller hosting. The process will Which.
differ depending on the host hosting.
you’re working with. But, here’s is.
how it works if you’re best.
signing up for a reseller Do.
account here at HostGator. Now reseller.
it’s time to create your What.
website. As a hosting reseller, is.
your website is incredibly important. It an.
needs to speak directly to example.
your target market, be easy of.
to use, contain useful and a.
helpful information related to your reseller.
products and services, and have What.
readily accessible support. Depending on your are.
parent host you might be the.
able to integrate payment processing benefits.
and additional features into your of.
site, like live chat, support reseller.
materials, and more. As a smaller host, does.
the support you’re able to What.
provide will make or break is.
your company. Providing stellar customer meant.
support is a great way by.
to make your company stand reseller.
out. In fact, a large hosting.
group of satisfied customers can Is.
end up being your best reseller.
advertising. Customer support starts the very hosting.
moment someone lands on your profitable.
website. If they have any Is.
questions about your services they reseller.
should be able to reach hosting.
an agent via live chat good.
right away. Your website should What.
be very easy to use is.
and seamlessly guide your visitors the.
through the process of signing profit.
up for web hosting services. Once margin.
your customers have signed up for.
for web hosting they should reseller.
receive a welcome email and hosting.
be able to easily set How.
up their hosting account. If do.
they have any questions they I.
should be able to reach start.
a representative through email, live a.
chat, or phone, whenever the reseller.
need arises. Some hosting parent companies hosting.
will include support as part What.
of their reseller packages. This is.
means that they’ll handle any GoDaddy.
and all support requests. You reseller.
can either let them handle hosting.
all of the support requests, Which.
supplement their support with your hosting.
own team, or let them is.
handle technical support, while you best.
handle all other requests. The approach Do.
you take doesn’t matter as you.
much as providing outstanding support make.
to your customers. By focusing on a specific from.
niche it’ll be much easier reseller.
for you to focus your What.
marketing efforts. Instead of marketing is.
to anyone and everyone (which an.
rarely works), you’ll be focused example.
on reaching a small segment of.
of a larger market. First, determine a.
how you’re going to reach reseller.
these customers. For example, will What.
you create a blog to are.
rank for organic search terms? the.
Do you have a budget benefits.
for search engine and social of.
media advertising? Will you run reseller.
an affiliate campaign with non-competitive How.
sites in your niche send does.
leads your way? Figure out the What.
approach you’re going to take is.
and create measurable campaigns. If meant.
your budget is lower, just by.
starting out consider taking more reseller.
organic approaches until you have hosting.
the funds to invest in Is.
paid marketing and advertising campaigns. By now you hosting.
should be ready to launch profitable.
your reseller hosting program.You’ve found Is.
your niche, done market research, reseller.
nailed your service offerings, found hosting.
a rock-solid hosting reseller, built good.
your website, and started marketing What.
your services. Once you’ve acquired your is.
first few customers you should the.
start to break even. This profit.
all depends on the price margin.
you’re paying for reseller hosting, for.
how much you’re selling your reseller.
web hosting packages for and hosting.
your initial startup costs. After How.
you’ve recouped your initial expenses do.
you can start to reinvest I.
these back into your business start.
to attract even more customers a.
and start to turn a reseller.
profit. One of the beautiful things hosting.
about offering reseller hosting is What.
that your target audience will is.
have a high customer lifetime GoDaddy.
value. As long as you reseller.
provide a stellar service they’ll hosting.
stick with you for a Which.
very long time. This allows hosting.
you to pay more up is.
front for customer acquisition, as best.
every new customer is worth Do.
a lot to your business. Hopefully, you.
you have a better understanding make.
of what reseller hosting is, money.
and how you can start from.
your very own reseller hosting reseller.
business. By choosing a niche What.
and placing a focus on is.
delighting your customers you’ll make an.
it that much easier to example.
actually earn money with a of.
reseller hosting program.What Is Reseller Hosting?
Requirements for Running a Reseller margin.
Hosting Business
Understanding The Reseller reseller.
Hosting Landscape
The Niche Market Approach
Pros the.
of Reseller Hosting
Cons of money.
Reseller Hosting
Features Included With Reseller Hosting
How to Make Money With hosting.
Reseller Hosting
1. What.
Do Your Research
2. Determine Your Core hosting.
3. Get Your Business in is.
A hosting.
Reseller That Matches Your Desired profitable.
A Reseller Hosting Package
A Company Website
3. Offer Stellar How.
Customer Support
4. Set Up money.
5. reseller.
Profit and Scale